Approche communautaire de protection de l’enfance
We believe children belong at home, and families belong together. Our first priority is to ensure that children have a safe home environment in which to grow and thrive. We provide a variety of services and programs to help with this, and work with many community partners who are striving for the same thing. In the event that home isn’t a safe place and alternative care is needed, we make every effort to find kinship families and familiar caregivers to provide a safe home environment. It takes a village, and together with our community partners and concerned citizens we are all making a difference in the lives of children in need of protection.

Familles de parenté
Un domicile fourni par une famille que l’enfant connaît, comme un parent ou un ami de la famille.
Care Arrangements
Il s’agit du placement le plus courant; des familles d’accueil assurent les soins quotidiens d’un enfant en milieu familial.

What’s Happening
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