You Could Be Perfect for This

Why You Should Foster

Foster parents provide a vital service to our communities, creating a safe environment for children and youth to grow and learn. Those who care for foster children provide more than a home – they create hope during critical stages of development. You have something to offer to a child in our community. Why not change their life, and yours too?

You have more to give than you may know!

Take a look at some of these reasons why you may be a good fit as a foster parent:

Reason #23
You can’t let those dad jokes go to waste.
Reason #327
You have room for one more in your boat.
Reason #264
You have a great sense of humour... and an abundance of patience.
Reason #4
Your backyard is a forest.
Reason #719
You give great hugs.
Reason #78
You have room in your nest... and in your heart.
Reason #264
You’ll be there for the “firsts”.
Reason #17
You inspire each other.

Who can foster?

Foster parents can be individuals of any age, gender, sexuality, profession, or marital status.

Individuals best suited to become foster parents are those who are willing to provide children with love and support. You have something to offer! From an extra room, to siblings, to quality time and more. You have more to give than you think.

Do you Have Room in Your Heart & Home?

Click the images below to learn more about local kids in need of a placement.

Find Out If  You’re The Right Fit

Learn more by calling us at (705) 472-0910, or send us a message using the form below.

    I consent to being contacted by the Children’s Aid Society of the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound for the purpose of fostering. I understand I can withdraw this consent at any time.

    Children need to feel understood. When children are matched with the right fit for their identity, culture or special needs, they are given a place to grow and feel loved and supported in their journey.