About Us
Board of Directors
CAS Current Board Members:

Kim Kanmacher

Dr. Christina DeRoche

David Grannary

Autumn Carriere

Tammy Malcolm

Thomas Stone

Cindy Males

Jennifer Bouwmeester

Wendy Prieur

Ofonime Bassey

Maxime Bazinet

Jamey Byers

Dr. Taylor Lougheed
Board Meetings:
Board Meetings generally take place on the 4th Tuesday of the each month (September to June) and the public is welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending you must advise the Executive Assistant, Krystal McNeice, of your attendance at least three business days prior to the meeting by phone 705-472-0910 or by email at more.info@parnipcas.org
For more information please view the documents below:
By-laws, Policies & Procedures:
The Children’s Aid Society of the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound is governed by a multitude of federal, provincial and municipal laws/bylaws, regulations and public policies. The Board of Directors is expected to demonstrate “due diligence,” which requires that Directors take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with any applicable provisions of legislation or regulations. The bylaws are a set of legal rules established by the membership of the Corporation by which The Children’s Aid Society of the District of Nipissing and Parry Sound governs itself. The bylaws outline how the decisions are to be made by the Board of Directors and the membership of the Corporation. The Board of Directors has adopted Governance Policies and Procedures to ensure effective governance practices.
To view our By-laws and our Policies & Procedures please view the documents below:
Complaint Process:
From time to time, the Board of Directors may receive a complaint regarding the overall plans, policy and practices of the organization or the behaviour of an individual associated with the organization. To ensure accountability and effective stewardship, it is critical that an organization create a transparent, fair and timely method of responding to complaints.
Please download our governance process complaint policy below for more details: