
The Joy Project – Frequently Asked Questions
Help bring a little extra holiday hope this year by making a difference in the lives of children and families here in the Nipissing and Parry Sound district. Your participation in The Joy Project will provide for a much more joyous holiday season for many of our children, youth and families!
How much do sponsors usually spend when sponsoring a child, youth or family?
No donation is too small! Every gift helps so please do not feel as though you need to break the bank to help.
Do I have to get everything that is requested on the child, youth or family’s wish list?
You are not required to purchase everything. Rather, the wish list is provided to help guide you with your purchases and give you an idea of their likes and interests.
Am I able to donate second hand items?
We request that secondhand items not be donated for The Joy Project. To learn more about what second hand donations we accept for other initiates, please click here.
How does my donation get to the child, youth or family I am sponsoring?
Donations are distributed to families in the week leading up to the holidays. We ask that donations are brought to Santa’s workshop located at 140 Elmwood Avenue in North Bay (old St. Paul School) between December 14th – 18th (8:30 am – 4:30 pm). If you require pick up, please let us know and Santa can arrange a sleigh.
Should I wrap my donation?
As an agency, we want to be able to screen all donations before delivering them to our children, youth and families. We ask that all donations come unwrapped so caregivers will know what they are receiving. Please feel free to include wrapping paper, bows, tape etc.
What items are not accepted?
The following items will not be accepted:
- Prepaid Visa/Mastercard’s
- Cash
- Weapons, paintball guns etc.
- Games rated mature
- Secondhand items
- Sexually explicit gifts or gifts that could be perceived of a sexual nature